A bouquet of flower tells you thousand of meaning...
Two red roses mean I am giving you from my heart to your heart.
Three carnation mean we are having great time together.
Colourful small flowers mean my life been so happy with you around
One blossom Casablanca means we have gone through different stages in life
One closed Casablanca means I am looking forward to live with you no matter what condition we may face ahead.
Casablanca odore gave perfect tranquility. Very natural and long lasting. Stay fresh for more than seven days. Every time you are entering the room, your nose can smell the nice and tranquil Casablanca. Making your heart and soul to spend more time in the room... with your love one of course. The time the second Casablanca blooming... it's the nicest smell you can experience. If you can share the moment, the world is yours.
It's for you my beloved wife.... Noor Aznita
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